Sunday, 5 May 2013

School holidays

They are nearly over. Phew.  In less than 48 hrs, I'll be back in the glorious routine of making lunches, dropping off, picking up, reading stories, bathing and putting to bed. My 'bad mum' performance anxiety will be over. Bring it on.

I used to love school holidays. When I was a kid they were great. Of course. As a grown up without kids, they were great. I always knew when NOT to plan a holiday or go to the shops. 

Now, as a Mum, they terrify me. They give me performance anxiety. 15 whole days of entertaining and I fail dismally. Well according to my kids I fail. They gladly helped with a list of things I have NOT done for them this break:

  1. We didn't make pop lollies... I don't know what they are either.
  2. The eldest didn't get to the zoo.
  3. I didn't download Harry Potter until day 13.
  4. We didn't go on a family caravanning or camping holiday (thank goodness!)
  5. I didn't buy them a pet kitten, pony, fish, hermit crabs or guinea pigs!
(Never mind that they had their body weight in babycino's and ice creams and saw about 47 episodes of Deadly 60). They have forgotten about the good things...

I made the mistake of taking notice of the things my friends (and their peers) were up to. Oh the guilt. We didn't go near a museum, science centre or animal park. I had a half hearted attempt to organise a play date but it fell through. So what did I do? 

I let them be bored. Yep. In fact I encouraged it. Most days. 

No craft, no tv, no me. Just each other to amuse. I'd like to think that this was great development for their imaginations. That they came up with creative games and thoughts to stimulate their little brains. That they built cubbies, tree houses and rafts. Just like Huck and Tom...

Unfortunately they didn't. 

There were moments of sweet togetherness but they came down to a shared love of Peppa Pig and only one ipad charged up. The rest of the time they could be found torturing:

  1. Each other,
  2. Me or their father,
  3. The dog
  4. Or all of the above.
I took them on a walk once and they found a tree in the river. I found a coffee. It was win win for a few minutes and I took a photo to prove it. For a few precious minutes the school holidays were brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. Lucy

    Brilliant. I laughed and laughed. The great thing about school holidays is there isn't any school, Mum is around to feed you icecream and you can watch as much Peppa Pig as you like.

    Sounds like you passed with flying colours.

