The excitement of resigning...
What a lovely bunch of friends, colleagues, curious individuals and others you are!
I have had the most amazing responses to my last blog on resigning.There have been four distinct themes to your emails and calls:
- Outright curiousity .... No one can understand why I would quit a decent job, with a decent company, on decent conditions in a decent industry. Sorry folks... I am still working on the answer to that one.
- Blessing and confirmation on the expressions I want to avoid .... It's time for a confession now... (shhhhhhh .....) I have actually uttered the words 'learnings' and 'syndicate' in earnest. So ubiquitous is their use, I failed my very own challenge. I'm appalled at my behaviour when 'lessons' and 'discuss' would have been perfectly suitable alternatives. The universe has never spoken to me before, but I take this transgression as further proof that I really have to move on from the loving arms of my current organisation.
- Shared excitement ....I am starting to notice a lot of articles and participating in a lot of discusisons about the benefits of change and resigning. The article below jumped out of my twitter feed. 6-big-reasons-why-you-should-quit-your-job-and-follow-your-passion. I latched onto the 'big reasons why you should should quit' bit. Having numerous, confused and obsure passions, I am not sure which to follow though. More on this in another blog ... Make sure you check out the video at the end. It's absolutely delightful. I've got a few more days in the office so watch this space...
- Special thanks too for all of your great suggestions on what I could do next too. Here are a few gems:
- Throw in mining all together and buy the IGA at Dongarra
- Start an all women mining junior - any all-women tech company shells out there?
- Champion for geeks
- Champion for women engineers
- Champion for working mums
- Champion for geeky, women engineer mums who aren't actually that geeky, dont work and not very good mothers...
- Travel
- Spend more time with my kids (they clearly haven't met my kids or have suggested an evil curse on me)
- Lie on the beach and read books
- Write the great Australian novel
- Just go out and get another job and start raging for the machine again (any machine - the propellerhead's suggestion)
I'll keep you posted.
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